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Brewed By: New Holland Brewing Company

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 869

Style: American Brown Ale

Brewed In: 684 Commerce Ct, Holland, MI 49424, USA

ABV: 6.25%

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Image contributed by: youthbandreject

Tasting Notes

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mcmullgr profile picturemcmullgr - November 24, 2013
Very good "portery-tasting" Christmas beer. No honey or spice flavor. Smooth.
DeadPhish profile pictureDeadPhish - November 16, 2013
Not a brown ale but more like an average porter.
xman profile picturexman - November 16, 2013
Nice color. Malty up front. Flat finish.
sam.s profile picturesam.s - November 5, 2013
Very flavorful Brown Ale. Pronounced dark malt in aroma. Nutty malt flavor tastes very fresh. Dry finish.
RobertMoore profile pictureRobertMoore - November 1, 2013
Has a mild bourbon flavor Finish is like burnt coffee
HopItToMe profile pictureHopItToMe - November 1, 2013
Nice brown ale with a mild nutty flavor and a malty finish. Little complex blend at the end that mixes dryness with a coffee extract flavor. Always look forward to finding it on the shelf.
rhino65 profile picturerhino65 - October 26, 2013
Dark brown. Coffee mocha flavor
moadguy profile picturemoadguy - March 10, 2013
Darker than most brown ales. Not really nutty. More of a dried fruit taste, raisins.
taz1 profile picturetaz1 - February 16, 2013
Good brown ale, very drinkable .
groovepapa profile picturegroovepapa - January 27, 2013
Burnt mocha.
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