Negra Modelo (Dark Beer)
Brewed By: Cerveceria Modelo S.A. de C.V. (ABInBev)
Number of Ratings: 8154
Style: Mexican Dark Lager
Brewed In: Campos Elíseos #400, Colonia Lomas de Chapultepec, Mexico City, 11000, Mexico
ABV: 5.40%
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Number of Ratings: 8154
Style: Mexican Dark Lager
Brewed In: Campos Elíseos #400, Colonia Lomas de Chapultepec, Mexico City, 11000, Mexico
ABV: 5.40%
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Tasting Notes
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gregh3285 - April 1, 2015
A solid dark beer. Nondescript but good.
cracktheyank - March 29, 2015
Decent beer with lime and spicy food! 3/28/15 Tivoli NY - March 22, 2015
Dark lagerish
joancev - March 7, 2015
Buena preparada cubana
brookenicole - March 4, 2015
Super good. Smooth. But has taste!
Imadamngenius - February 15, 2015
Easy to drink. No aftertaste. My fav Mexican beer.
Xavier - January 30, 2015
Prob fav mex beer
zerocool - January 25, 2015
Not too bad. I think dos Equis with a lime tastes better.
MXBrewer - January 24, 2015
Nice dark mexican beer. Not too bold, not too light.
Beerguy33 - November 28, 2014
MISLABELED - It's actually a "Vienna Lager" - Not bad, but not great. Goes well with Mexican food. XX Amber is a little better. Update- 1/12/15 - Jalapeños Mexican food, pours a dark copper/Amber color. Medium mouthfeel good carbonation. Aroma is light toasted malts, caramel. Taste is toasty malts, slight sweetness and mild hop bitterness at the finish. Good beer but Sam Adams Boston Lager is better