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Brewed By: Anheuser-Busch, Inc.

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 8378

Style: American Light Lager

Brewed In: Missouri, United States

ABV: 4.20%

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Image contributed by: Schil

Tasting Notes

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bighurt935 profile picturebighurt935 - November 2, 2012
Calories and carbs considered, not a bad beer. profile - September 19, 2012
Very light beer with average flavor. Only drink it for the low carbs.
DaxAttack profile pictureDaxAttack - September 4, 2012
One of the better simple light beer options. Nice sweetness. Nothing special, but better of its class
DesertRose profile pictureDesertRose - August 29, 2012
Accessible favorite :)
Beerlessfrog profile pictureBeerlessfrog - July 27, 2012
Light and fizzy. Small fruity note.
kjhue profile picturekjhue - July 26, 2012
Watered down rubbing alcohol. profile - July 19, 2012
Basically water
StoutLarry profile pictureStoutLarry - July 18, 2012
More tasteless than water. Never ever do this again!!!
derno profile picturederno - July 7, 2012
Closest in taste to water.
drodr10 profile picturedrodr10 - July 3, 2012
Better than Bud Light because ot has more taste but not much more.
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