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Brewed By: Lagunitas Brewing Company (Heineken International)

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 1764

Style: American IPA

Brewed In: 1280 North McDowell, Boulevard, Petaluma, CA 94954, USA

ABV: 7.85%

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Image contributed by: shroud

Tasting Notes

Please sign in to post comments about this beer and see your Beer Buddies' comments. profile - March 13, 2013
Some odd taste I did not like
pahern profile picturepahern - March 8, 2013
Beats lagunitas sumpin profile - February 27, 2013
Very piney, west coast ipa
codehead profile picturecodehead - February 24, 2013
Hoppy but not extreme - nice citrus notes. A very drinkable beer.
megloufletch profile picturemegloufletch - February 11, 2013
spicy, warm, applely
thegreenyeti profile picturethegreenyeti - February 10, 2013
Amazing hoppy brew. Very piny, grassy. Nice body.
jmsimo44 profile picturejmsimo44 - February 9, 2013
Unbelievably good. Hoppy but well balanced. I love it.
soulkingrecords profile picturesoulkingrecords - January 30, 2013
Reminds me of lemon ribbon candy: tart, but with a thick sugary kick.
mjp42330 profile picturemjp42330 - January 30, 2013
Came highly recommended but didn't live up to hype. You can definitely taste the brown sugar flavor but for an IPA it was not very hoppy. Some may like that but not me. I'd recommend the beer to try but doubt I get it again. profile - January 28, 2013
Extremely piney nose and taste.
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