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Brewed By: Guinness Ltd. (Eire)

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 21261

Style: Irish Dry Stout

Brewed In: St. James Gate, Dublin, Eire

ABV: 4.20%

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Guinness Stout

Image contributed by: CHills

Tasting Notes

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ttofsrud profile picturettofsrud - January 1, 2014
The classic Irish stout.
Dixie DarlinDixie Darlin' - December 24, 2013
It's just too bitter for me!
jdfinnell profile picturejdfinnell - December 21, 2013
The original. Hard to beat, though many have tried
sfoley324 profile picturesfoley324 - December 21, 2013
12/20/13 curtains- ehhhhh average
jhelberg1 profile picturejhelberg1 - December 14, 2013
Very light and creamy if poured correctly. If poured wrong, has a slightly bitter bite. Light and creamy with a light flavor, in spite of coloring. Quite easy drinking and smooth.
MCass profile pictureMCass - December 7, 2013
Guinness just flat out makes beer the way beer should be made. Very few beers have I come across that match Guinness. Incredible smooth, wonderful caramel flavors, perfect hippiness, with the most amazing frothy head you'll find.
JDIPA profile pictureJDIPA - November 23, 2013
This is a very light beer despite popular belief and is my favorite beer to mix with other beers, such as pale ales for a Black and Tan or an Irish whiskey and make it a car bomb. I could drink this beer for breakfast.
PolaDaBear profile picturePolaDaBear - November 20, 2013
Thin. Watery. Flavorless. I love dark beer and this is embarrassing.
orselli profile pictureorselli - November 18, 2013
Very smooth creamy taste of roasted malt with long lasting head when poured as recommended.
wescole profile picturewescole - November 18, 2013
Smooth. Not hoppy. Slight hangover.
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