Guinness Stout
Brewed By: Guinness Ltd. (Eire)
Number of Ratings: 21261
Style: Irish Dry Stout
Brewed In: St. James Gate, Dublin, Eire
ABV: 4.20%
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Number of Ratings: 21261
Style: Irish Dry Stout
Brewed In: St. James Gate, Dublin, Eire
ABV: 4.20%
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Tasting Notes
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MathMan - March 7, 2015
Great standard Irish beer
Gharfunkl - February 25, 2015
Pretty tasty but the ABV is too low for how filling it is...4.2%...come on grow a pair - February 18, 2015
Standard stout. If your looking to expand your tastes from bud light this is the place to start.
IPA_Chaser - February 15, 2015
The classic...when it's on, it's on. When it's off... Fairly light despite dark color; creamy; dry
mobley1085 - February 7, 2015
Very strong dark beer! It's smooth, and the aftertaste isn't terrible. Overall a decent beer, just a bit too strong for my taste. - February 1, 2015
Great for half and half with boulevard wheat
spikedstrider - January 29, 2015
It was my first real step to real flavor. Thanks! - January 26, 2015
I have to be in that kind of mood
AZ brew lover - January 5, 2015
Great drinkable stout at a reasonable price. - December 31, 2014
Tastes heavy but actually has low alcohol content. I like it in small quantities. Never a bad choice