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Brewed By: Full Sail Brewing Company

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 959

Style: American Pale Ale (APA)

Brewed In: 506 Columbia St, Hood River, OR 97031, USA

ABV: 5.40%

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Pale Ale

Image contributed by: AngusMcCloud

Tasting Notes

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Gator profile pictureGator - February 18, 2013
A good amber.
TransPhattyAcid profile pictureTransPhattyAcid - February 7, 2013
Mild hops. Light. Low hop aroma. Mild city's smell and taste. Easy to drink. Low to moderate hop after taste. It's not bad. profile - August 7, 2012
Very mild compares to most American pale ales. Flat?
Jupes profile pictureJupes - July 20, 2012
This was a smooth pale ale.
jeffmlovell profile picturejeffmlovell - July 19, 2012
Not a huge fan. Tastes like a pale ale that's gone bad.
jcieutat profile picturejcieutat - July 15, 2012
Liked it
jcieutat profile picturejcieutat - July 15, 2012
Liked it profile - July 11, 2012
Darkness 29 Rating 62 Page 122
baltimoreoliver profile picturebaltimoreoliver - February 25, 2012
Mildly hoppy - easy to neck!
cgiron profile picturecgiron - January 15, 2012
Clear amber pour with orange tinge in pint glass. Thin white head leaves moderate lacing. Aromas include sweet malt, caramel and even a bit of citrus. Flavors start off with a sweet malt presence, hops are there but not overpowering. Minimal hop bitterness. Medium body with active carbonation. Very drinkable and enjoyable.
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