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Brewed By: Anchor Brewing Company (Sapporo USA) - CLOSED

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 2719

Style: American Porter

Brewed In: 1705 Mariposa St, San Francisco, CA 94107, USA

ABV: 5.60%

IBU: 20

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Anchor Porter

Image contributed by: CHills

Tasting Notes

Please sign in to post comments about this beer and see your Beer Buddies' comments. profile - November 6, 2022
B-. Aroma of dark fruits and roasted coffee. Flavor starts out dark chocolate and coffee, then gets a bitterness that lingers. With all this going on, it has a surprisingly creamy mouthfeel.
cbaker profile picturecbaker - November 16, 2019
Too coffee for me and a little too hoppy finish.
Saigoda profile pictureSaigoda - September 26, 2019
My first, and still favorite porter.
moe562 profile picturemoe562 - September 13, 2017
Super dark with taste of sweet licorice, almost too much. Decent but just too sweet compared to the heavy dark porters I'm used to drinking.
Peppery C profile picturePeppery C - June 2, 2017
Good porter! :)
warddog profile picturewarddog - December 11, 2016
A bit fizzy for my liking
BIGTIME profile pictureBIGTIME - November 10, 2016
Classic structure throughout, lots of flavor, and exceptionally drinkable. Best served on it's own at approx 48 degrees as with most Porters to taste every aspect.
budslanger53 profile picturebudslanger53 - August 11, 2016
It either was a bad beer or it sucked that bad, had a taste similar to rusty water profile - June 30, 2016
More bitter than it could be, but still a very good beer. Tastes like dark chocolate and deep tannins. Spicy. Good. profile - April 16, 2016
Pretty average. Not bad.
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