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Brewed By: Rogue Ales & Spirits

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 1007

Style: American IPA

Brewed In: 2320 SE Marine Science Dr, Newport, OR 97365, USA

ABV: 6.50%

IBU: 50

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Brutal IPA

Image contributed by: Wocka Wocka Wocka!

Tasting Notes

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LettuceMan profile pictureLettuceMan - October 15, 2013
Pretty good, but more caramel malty than hoppy; not Rogue's best Pale Ale. Bought this one relabeled as Portland Saturday Market Pale Ale.
cmp8254 profile picturecmp8254 - October 15, 2013
Not that brutal , not very hoppy or bitter , good tasting. Fruity , but not citrusy.
cmp8254 profile picturecmp8254 - October 15, 2013
Not brutal, slightly hoppy/bitter.
bugs318 profile picturebugs318 - October 14, 2013
Golden amber and lightly cloudy. Nice thick frothy white head of stellar retention and some carpet-like lace. Nose is pretty citrusy. Taste has a bready malt sweetness up front with a dry grapefruit finish. Decent body with ample carbonation. Good but not great. profile - September 17, 2013
Not very big IPA, bitter. Not my favorite profile - August 27, 2013
Definitely thought it would be more intense due to the name, but still drinkable.
Clarence Beeks profile pictureClarence Beeks - August 24, 2013
Hardly brutal, but enjoyable
elk3 profile pictureelk3 - August 17, 2013
Very drinkable IPA. Good hoppy character
bdub30 profile picturebdub30 - June 3, 2013
Orange honey in color. Nose of grapefruit and maybe a little pine. Not as bitter as I would have thought with the name 'brutal', but a pretty good single IPA. profile - May 26, 2013
Very good! Clean and smooth touch of floral than bam! Hop hit finish.
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