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Brewed By: Brooklyn Brewery

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 3009

Style: American Brown Ale

Brewed In: 79 North Eleventh Street, Brooklyn, New York, NY 11249, USA

ABV: 5.50%

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Brown Ale

Image contributed by: AngusMcCloud

Tasting Notes

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frontcup profile picturefrontcup - December 1, 2015
At MNF dan's, chicken pot pie, good flavor
Fireballlk profile pictureFireballlk - September 15, 2015
Smooth, good dark ale; like a bock or dunkel profile - September 5, 2015
Very good beer Dark color but very smooth and no after taste.
caserm79 profile picturecaserm79 - August 16, 2015
Maybe I'm just not that into brown ales.....easy drink but underwhelmed
ugur profile pictureugur - July 19, 2015
Hafif eksi bir tadi var. Tutsulenmis gibi. Aromasi cok guclu degil. Agizda hafif acimsi bir tad birakiyor.
rtboutte profile picturertboutte - June 20, 2015
Pretty good crisp taste. Slightly watered down.
tiferooni profile picturetiferooni - May 18, 2015
Medium-bodied and smooth. Similar coffee roast taste that many brown ales have. Nutty. Delicious. My favorite brown ale. profile - May 15, 2015
Brilliant. Not too heavy
nkachelmeyer profile picturenkachelmeyer - April 30, 2015
Similar to Shiner Bock
GranPappy of Pork profile pictureGranPappy of Pork - March 29, 2015
Good brown ... Like the water in BROOKLYN!
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