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Brewed By: Anderson Valley Brewing Company

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 457

Style: American Stout

Brewed In: 17700 Boonville Rd, Boonville, CA 95415, USA

ABV: 6.9%

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Stout (Bourbon Barrel Aged)

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Tasting Notes

Please sign in to post comments about this beer and see your Beer Buddies' comments. profile - August 27, 2021
From can bought at retail. I was really intrigued about a 6.9 Bourbon Barrel Stout. Dark as I would expect, with thick brown lasting head. Thin mouthfeel. But the barrel aging is balanced very nicely and makes this very drinkable and good.
Fonar profile pictureFonar - May 2, 2019
Appearance: Dark brown to black in color with a big tan head that had pretty good retention and left some lacing. Aroma: Roasted aromas of , chocolate malt, bourbon, vanilla with hints of coffee and oak. Taste: Bourbon sweetness and oak with only hints of any roast, chocolate or stout in the background. The roastiness comes out more as it warms, but in the end still not enough for me. Mouthfeel: Light to medium bodied with soft carbonation. profile - April 1, 2017
Standard Stout with a strong scent of the wild turkey. Smooth finish and
gdtinnd profile picturegdtinnd - December 19, 2016
Too sweet with a twang
svenllr profile picturesvenllr - June 2, 2016
Sweet with a hint of bourbon. Tasty to say the least. Good beer profile - March 27, 2016
Has a distinct near-bourbo taste at first that disapates. Otherwise ok
saxmaestro profile picturesaxmaestro - February 17, 2016
Bourbon front note smooth cream finish profile - November 26, 2015
Very smoother, but not as much bourbon flavor as Clown Shoes Unidragon profile - October 13, 2015
B-. The one I tried was 6.9 Abv, good balance, mild bourbon. Good all around stout.
RogMan profile pictureRogMan - July 6, 2015
Very subtle bourbon flavor delicious not overwhelming.
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