Arrogant Bastard Ale
Brewed By: Stone Brewing Company (Sapporo Breweries)
Number of Ratings: 11550
Style: American Strong Ale
Brewed In: 1999 Citracado Parkway, Escondido, CA 92029, USA
ABV: 7.20%
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You must be signed in to rate beers or receive recommendations.Average Rating:
Number of Ratings: 11550
Style: American Strong Ale
Brewed In: 1999 Citracado Parkway, Escondido, CA 92029, USA
ABV: 7.20%
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Tasting Notes
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jott1972 - October 2, 2014
Taste like sweaty crotch rot
princessbrew - September 28, 2014
NASTY swill
jmrquist - September 20, 2014
An asskicking beer as the name would suggest. Strong, hoppy, heavy, bitter. Not for the faint of heart. The beer is for an enthusiast, not a rookie brew!
Cellar Dweller - September 10, 2014
Nice one. Pours dark amber with a frothy tan head. Smells mildly citrus. Hint of pineapple up front with a mild bready sweetness. Slightly bitter finish. ABV will sneak up on you.
Dawgvet - August 30, 2014
Strong pineapple smell and flavor. Bitter.
Catfishbunter - August 27, 2014
Bouquet of mild pineapple, fruit, and hearty toasted nuts. Dark amber color with a heavy head. Surprisingly refreshing and crisp tastes, surprisingly hoppy, but not as much as an IPA. Hint of cream on the finish. A hefty pricetag but a strong brew, worth the splurge.
Jurgis - August 16, 2014
Very good, strong ale. Good malty flavor with a little hoppy balance. Be arrogant!
Herbz? - August 7, 2014
With a 4pack u should be good.
Herbz? - August 7, 2014
Dark. Strong. Delicious.
Deandabeermachine - July 27, 2014
Strong full of flavor, not for the faint of heart