90 Minute IPA
Brewed By: Dogfish Head Brewery (Boston Beer Company)
Number of Ratings: 18251
Style: American Double / Imperial Amber IPA
Brewed In: 6 Village Center Blvd, Milton, DE 19968, USA
ABV: 9%
IBU: 85
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You must be signed in to rate beers or receive recommendations.Average Rating:
Number of Ratings: 18251
Style: American Double / Imperial Amber IPA
Brewed In: 6 Village Center Blvd, Milton, DE 19968, USA
ABV: 9%
IBU: 85
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Tasting Notes
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sgordonct - December 11, 2012
Drink of the Gods.
dujo92 - December 8, 2012
At first taste I was not sure if I would enjoy it but it grew on me. This is a great IPA.
ericandrew001 - December 8, 2012
Malty, sweet, and not so hoppy. Not the standard Imperial IPA. But good, just not what I typically crave.
alvarezeric_music@yahoo.com - December 7, 2012
My favorite ipa!
krysrueschbeem@yahoo.com - December 7, 2012
Wasn't to big on ipa until I had this tasty brew slightly sweet which caught me off guard
cortsdakilla671 - December 4, 2012
Favorite so far!
eyeguy2020 - November 24, 2012
Full bodied without yet mild mannered.
juancarlosthesi@gmail.com - November 21, 2012
Favorite IPA
hfa@utexas.edu - November 21, 2012
Favorite IPA; not very hoppy.
combedhair@gmail.com - November 21, 2012
Strong hop aroma. Deliciously smooth, creamy, thick, sweet, and hoppy. Everything I want in an imperial IPA.