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Brewed By: Southern Tier Brewing Company

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 490

Style: American Pale Wheat Ale

Brewed In: 2072 Stoneman Circle Lakewood, NY 14750, USA

ABV: ?

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422 Pale Wheat Ale

Image contributed by: dbussert

Tasting Notes

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smells like poor profile picturesmells like poor - July 13, 2012
A: tons of tiny bubbles rush up to the top of the glass. Head very quickly dissipates. A: mostly lemon, malt, and wheat. Pretty standard and pretty boring. T: sweet lemon and orange with yeast and wheat. Not much going on here. M: Thin body with enough carbonation to rival bud light. It also leaves a syrupy texture in your mouth.
TheChuckHart profile pictureTheChuckHart - July 11, 2012
Minimal nose with a mildly creamy mouthfeel. Wheat flavor, while dominant, does not over power the slight hop taste. Smooth finish. Tastes very much like a session beer.
skiisme753 profile pictureskiisme753 - June 16, 2012
Extremely sessionable and mild pale wheat beer. Crisp and no overpowering flavors.
D-Nuke profile pictureD-Nuke - February 2, 2012
Good body, enjoyable and creamy. Thick head.
pagnani  profile picturepagnani - January 26, 2012
Slightly hoppy - definitely more of a wheat beer than anything else.. But smooth and not bad. Some honey taste.
jdky29 profile picturejdky29 - November 28, 2011
Excellent wheat beer with hoppy profile.
clint profile pictureclint - November 24, 2011
Alright for what it is. Needs hops
Bobber profile pictureBobber - August 12, 2011
This is a surprising good brew. Very nice aroma, a little sweet, then a little bitter. Kinda somewhere between a good IPA and a Hefe.
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