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Brewed By: New Belgium Brewing Inc. (Lion Little World Beverages / Kirin Holdings)

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 4406

Style: Belgian Dark Ale

Brewed In: 500 Linden Street Fort Collins, CO 80524, USA

ABV: 5.50%

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Image contributed by: AngusMcCloud

Tasting Notes

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mapiwoni profile picturemapiwoni - January 14, 2012
Stout taste. Very little finish. Nice beer.
mellowman profile picturemellowman - January 11, 2012
My rating 4.0 Very dark. Smooth malt with chocolate notes. Nice!
tatont profile picturetatont - January 7, 2012
This is a beer that I've enjoyed many times. Roasty without being overly bitter. I nice touch of malt sweetness underlies the abbey yeast flavors and coffee/chocolate tones. Behind it all is that trademark biscuit malt flavor that we have all come to expect from any New Belgium offering it seems.
agmillerbsu profile pictureagmillerbsu - January 5, 2012
Great gateway beer!
WilliamChildress profile pictureWilliamChildress - December 12, 2011
American like tasteless foretaste but finishes with a wee chocolate toast. Tastes light in texture. Very neutral - not bitter or sour. Definitely a possible summertime dark beer potential - I will have to try again
elimag254k profile pictureelimag254k - December 7, 2011
Great ale styled after Belgian brewing process!
ArnettNC profile pictureArnettNC - December 4, 2011
Subtle hops that give way to lush sultry malts with delicious notes of chocolate, caramel, & hints of mocha. Wonderfully smooth
gogking profile picturegogking - November 24, 2011
Much love.
flubear profile pictureflubear - November 13, 2011
Don't listen to hamicide it's definitely better than Newcastle. Very nice smooth beer full of flavor
awb28 profile pictureawb28 - November 11, 2011
Delicious, smooth and with nice chocolaty flavers!
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