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Brewed By: Victory Brewing Company

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 409

Style: Belgian Strong Pale Ale

Brewed In: 420 Acorn Lane, Downingtown, PA 19335, USA

ABV: 12%

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Image contributed by: ntresko

Tasting Notes

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JBC91 profile pictureJBC91 - June 23, 2013
Pint at Palm Harbor HOB
zomerhouse profile picturezomerhouse - April 14, 2013
Pours dark amber, almost burnt orange with off-white head. Sweet aromas of dark fruit, raisins and nuts. The ABV is striking off the bat. Sweet malts accompanied by a lingering cherry flavor. Thick body with very little carbonation. I see a nice post-Belgian Quad headache in my near future.....
TrueHoppiness profile pictureTrueHoppiness - January 17, 2013
Like a malty Belgian ale with sour notes.
dogfishfan profile picturedogfishfan - June 9, 2012
Warm alcohol feel going down. Sweet and light
EL HINO profile pictureEL HINO - May 14, 2012
Will creep up on you with the 12% abv
shawndrakay profile pictureshawndrakay - December 8, 2011
Almost a liquor flavor definitely has the Belgian style that has that coating like texture
TWilks profile pictureTWilks - November 6, 2011
A: pours dark amber, almost burnt orange. Two finger off white head. S: heavy and sweet aromas of dark fruit, raisins and nuts. T: the booze is striking off the bat. Sweet malts accompanied by a lingering cherry flavor. Noticeable Belgian yeast M: medium body with very little carbonation.
Marplot profile pictureMarplot - October 19, 2011
dark color and a smooth taste for a Strong Belgian Ale (a Quad nonetheless). The smell and taste reminds me of Thanksgiving.
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