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Brewed By: Brasserie de Rochefort (Abbaye de Notre-Dame de Saint-Rémy)

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 4419

Style: Quadrupel (Quad)

Brewed In: Belgium

ABV: 11.30%

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Trappistes Rochefort 10

Image contributed by: CHills

Tasting Notes

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jeffroso profile picturejeffroso - January 4, 2012
Dark, woodsy, complex, and far from subtle
gheilman  profile picturegheilman - January 1, 2012
Almost no head. Smelled like raisins. Very mild Raisin and chocolate taste. Not a fan
theniceguy170 profile picturetheniceguy170 - December 30, 2011
Dark beer. Fruity yet hoppy alcohol taste. Chocolate hint and VERY smooth.
bugs318 profile picturebugs318 - December 30, 2011
Pours a thick beige head of small bubbles with solid retention and smooth lace. It is beautiful deep red/brown in color and is cloudy with a lot of active yeast. Aroma is initially dominated by malty fruits, especially plums and figs, while followed up with brown sugar and hints of chocolate and coffee. The aroma itself is complex enough to hint at the pending complexity of the taste! The initial taste brings those sweet malty fruits, though it is followed up by its liquor-like alcohol warmth. Bitter chocolate and a complex drying finish seem more prevalent in later sips. This beer defines complex and has resemblances to a fine wine. On the tongue, it is full-bodied, though creamy and warm, yet compelling, just like the fine chocolate it resembles. Even the yeast of this beer is complex as some drifts to the bottom, some floats in its cloudy body, and some rests atop the ever-present head. Though I slightly prefer the 8 (since dubbels top my Belgian preference list), this is one fine, formidable, and undeniably complex beer.
jeffjjpkiser1 profile picturejeffjjpkiser1 - December 23, 2011
Great beer. Dry on the palate but lots of flavor and alcohol
bree profile picturebree - December 23, 2011
A great beer to have with nothing else. Perfect for just enjoying and relaxing.
sphoekzema profile picturesphoekzema - December 18, 2011
Nice beer to drink slow. A cold beer that warms your inside
hyhat profile picturehyhat - December 17, 2011
Excellent!!!! But not to be drunk at 11:00 in the morning on an empty stomach.
edwardnplano profile pictureedwardnplano - December 4, 2011
S- Strong dark fruit presence. Mostly plum, raisin, dates, and figs. There's a big swing to rich milk chocolate after the fruit. There's also a distinct red wine aroma in here as well. Underneath all this is a heavy malt presence and slight booze. A world class nose.
cgiron profile picturecgiron - November 21, 2011
A: Amber tinged muddy brown pour into snifter producing moderate tan head and lacing with good retention. S:Aromas of figs, yeast, dark fruits and alcohol strike the palate in a wonderful ménage. T:Flavors of dark fruits, figs, bready malt and warmth of alcohol dance on the palate. M: Full bodied with minimal carbonation. Moderate sediment present. O: Extremely delicious brew that is world class and very enjoyable. Will most definitely have another very soon. God bless these monks!
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