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Brewed By: New Holland Brewing Company

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 1617

Style: English Oatmeal Stout

Brewed In: 684 Commerce Ct, Holland, MI 49424, USA

ABV: 5.2%

IBU: 40

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Image contributed by: youthbandreject

Tasting Notes

Please sign in to post comments about this beer and see your Beer Buddies' comments. profile - July 4, 2024
Pours dark chocolate brown with good head. Mild bitterness. profile - October 24, 2021
I just like this stout. Solid.
quagmire56 profile picturequagmire56 - November 14, 2017
Not too bad. Coffee and malt as expected.
jdh profile picturejdh - July 17, 2017
Nice lite taste, smooth. Not that foamy or carbonated. Flavored are there but very subtle.
ZChick profile pictureZChick - June 28, 2017
Reinout profile pictureReinout - September 12, 2016
Smooth and a little chocolate'ly. Nice and lightly carbonated but maybe a bit low on the foam head. (bottle states 5.8% ABV, not 5.2) profile - September 11, 2016
Super smooth Porter with very light carbonation. Not very malty or hoppy. It's my favorite Porter by far.
asams007 profile pictureasams007 - August 6, 2016
Good oatmeal stout light not heavy
janomac profile picturejanomac - May 5, 2016
Moderately sweet but not overly so. Nice tan head over a dark, smooth ale. Very nice mouthfeel without being too heavy. This ale just hints at chocolate hidden in the malts. profile - April 25, 2016
Coffee taste
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