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Brewed By: Lagunitas Brewing Company (Heineken International)

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 7563

Style: American Pale Wheat Ale

Brewed In: 1280 North McDowell, Boulevard, Petaluma, CA 94954, USA

ABV: 7.5%

IBU: 64

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Image contributed by: CHills

Tasting Notes

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obey profile pictureobey - February 16, 2013
Good summer wheat ipa
tangentdivison profile picturetangentdivison - February 9, 2013
Refreshing crisp hop flavor, very smooth. I love it. Could easily drink a six pack.
BrandonMelton profile pictureBrandonMelton - February 6, 2013
07.26.14 A: 12oz bottle poured into 14oz tulip. Crystal clear, almost straw-like golden color with flecks of orange. Two fingers of bright white, fluffy, persistent head that leaves sticky lacing all over the glass. S: Bright citrus: orange peel, lemon zest, pineapple flesh. Underneath are some floral notes: rose petals. A hint of sweet malt: bready with a slight sugary sweetness. Faint smell of dank pine resin and garlic. T: Sweet bready malts and a slap of bitterness up front. Mid palate hop flavor takes over: juicy pineapple, orange, lemon, and a hint of mango. Dank pine and garlic notes come out on the back end, followed by a clean bitterness on the finish that's balanced by bready malt sweetness. Bitterness drops off quickly leaving flavors of juicy pineapple beckoning another sip. M: Medium bodied with an oily mouthfeel that coats the tongue with hop-goodness. Medium carbonation. Clean malt backbone and dry, clean finish. O: A fantastic IPA. 50% wheat malt adds mouthfeel and head retention, without distracting from hop flavor. A crisp, clean, bitter, fruity IPA that is perfect for warm weather.
scituatescott profile picturescituatescott - February 2, 2013
Strong hops taste..a little bitter...I'll try sumpin else
launcherpsg profile picturelauncherpsg - January 30, 2013
I really enjoy this beer. Hoppy, but smooth. It reminds me of my grandpa when I opened it. All round good beer.
emeelio profile pictureemeelio - January 28, 2013
Strong but not "imperial-overwhelming." Definitely worth the try: money well spent.
siconnell profile picturesiconnell - January 26, 2013
GreatIPA. Strong hop nose. Tasty and medium bitter.
Newmania profile pictureNewmania - January 16, 2013
Crisp. Cait likes
eod013 profile pictureeod013 - January 11, 2013
Bitter but strong, also has a slight grapefruit after taste that does not stay long.
fuzzy2133 profile picturefuzzy2133 - January 11, 2013
Really good with some pizza.
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