Inversion IPA
Brewed By: Deschutes Brewery
Number of Ratings: 2324
Style: American IPA
Brewed In: 901 SW Simpson Ave, Bend, OR 97702, USA
ABV: 6.80%
IBU: 65
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You must be signed in to rate beers or receive recommendations.Average Rating:
Number of Ratings: 2324
Style: American IPA
Brewed In: 901 SW Simpson Ave, Bend, OR 97702, USA
ABV: 6.80%
IBU: 65
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Tasting Notes
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ishkybob - October 26, 2012
Resinous. Medium body.
craigfc8 - October 12, 2012
Very hoppy!!
dilt69 - September 9, 2012
Not the best ipa dry taste - August 26, 2012
A very dry and bitter ipa - August 4, 2012
keith.bachman - August 2, 2012
Mild hop aroma; nice red color; malty sweetness to start with excellent hop bitterness finish; smooth, crisp, and clean finish.
Dipsomaniac - July 31, 2012
Limit yourself to three of these and then move to something lighter, like the Eye of the Hawk. Tastey.
Dipsomaniac - July 31, 2012
Limit yourself to three of these and then move to something lighter, like the Eye of the Hawk. Tasty and pricey.
zsasbo - July 14, 2012
Not much of a nose. Deep richer flavor and strong bitterness.
fever - July 4, 2012
Like a milder Sierra. Quite tasty.