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Brewed By: Great Lakes Brewing Company (OH)

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 2078

Style: Märzen / Oktoberfest / Festbier

Brewed In: 2516 Market Ave, Cleveland, OH 44113, USA

ABV: 6.5%

IBU: 20

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Image contributed by: PhilosophizerMD

Tasting Notes

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MattK profile pictureMattK - January 15, 2012
Another great bier from Great Lakes.... One of my favorite Oktoberfests
Dannyjackson profile pictureDannyjackson - January 8, 2012
In high demand here in Columbus!
2thingsatonce profile picture2thingsatonce - January 6, 2012
By far my favorite Oktober brew of 2011.
2thingsatonce profile picture2thingsatonce - January 6, 2012
My favorite Oktoberfest brew.
TrevorT profile pictureTrevorT - November 24, 2011
I love Oktoberfests. This is no exception. Color is a soft yellowish brown with a rich, white head. The aroma is wonderfully sweet and slightly hoppy. The first taste is hoppy sweet with an superior spiced finish. 4 of 5 stars.
NattyBeck profile pictureNattyBeck - October 26, 2011
Having one at Dewey's with Abbie and Skip - Landon's birthday. Very tasty seasonal lager 10/26/11
nybeerguy profile picturenybeerguy - October 21, 2011
One of the best domestic Octoberfest beers out there. Awesome on tap and great put of the bottle. Just picked up a sixer tonite.
Marplot profile pictureMarplot - September 10, 2011
The color was not as rich as I expected from Burning River. It smelled fine I just wish that they would filter the water that they take from Lake Erie. I felt like I needed to brush my teeth after tasting it.
jowhalen profile picturejowhalen - September 6, 2011
Too hoppy. Bite at back of tongue made it harder to drink, which goes against the genre.
tjwhitta profile picturetjwhitta - September 5, 2011
Malty & slightly hoppy
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