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Brewed By: Great Lakes Brewing Company (OH)

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 2078

Style: Märzen / Oktoberfest / Festbier

Brewed In: 2516 Market Ave, Cleveland, OH 44113, USA

ABV: 6.5%

IBU: 20

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Image contributed by: PhilosophizerMD

Tasting Notes

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DC26 profile pictureDC26 - September 6, 2013
Good crisp taste.
DaveyBoySwagg profile pictureDaveyBoySwagg - September 5, 2013
Pours amber/orange from the bottle into a Weizen glass to a one finger head. Beer clarity is superb and the carbonation is full-throttle. The head persists after minutes of letting it sit. Smell: toasty sweet malt. Taste: toasty sweet malt with a subtle kick of earthy/herbal hops mixed in. Mouthfeel is medium to full with hints of nut and biscuity-sweet malt. Overall: this beer is ever so-slightly out of style, but in the best ways possible. I don't like Marzens and I wish I would have bought more of this. I look forward to throwing a few of these back from my bierstein. Fantastic Americanized Marzen. profile - September 1, 2013
jeremyfrichter profile picturejeremyfrichter - August 31, 2013
Delicious and smooth, almost sweet in its finish. A modest amount of spice ( could it be the hops?) to bite through the malt. An enjoyable Oktoberfest & autumn refreshment. profile - August 25, 2013
Good tasting octoberfest! Very yummy... Favorite octoberfest
timonthemove profile picturetimonthemove - August 22, 2013
Light body, Oakey tasting, slightly flat
eataknobatnight profile pictureeataknobatnight - August 8, 2013
It's actually really refreshing! I'm a big fan of Great Lakes and this doesn't disappoint. Nice balance of spice and bitterness.
furnish112 profile picturefurnish112 - July 27, 2013
Smooth and Solid. Good spice
sam.s profile picturesam.s - July 21, 2013
Needs more depth and malt complexity
beerdouche420 profile picturebeerdouche420 - November 23, 2012
the one i got must be skunked bc it tastes like steele reserve and i normally love oktoberfests
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