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#555 Sanmitsu Triple IPA (3Cs)

#555 Sanmitsu Triple IPA (3Cs)

Ushitora Brewery
American Triple IPA (TIPA)

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#557 Bansankan

#557 Bansankan

Ushitora Brewery
American IPA

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#558 Crossover

#558 Crossover

Ushitora Brewery
American Blonde Ale

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#559 Saikin Gobusata

#559 Saikin Gobusata

Ushitora Brewery
American Session IPA (SIPA)

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#560 Honki Shibori Blood Orange (seriousy Squeezed)

#560 Honki Shibori Blood Orange (seriousy Squeezed)

Ushitora Brewery
American Sour Fruit Ale

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#561 Enbaku (Marginly Wheat)

#561 Enbaku (Marginly Wheat)

Ushitora Brewery
Japanese Pale Ale

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#562 Lemon Irechatta Mon (With Added Lemon)

#562 Lemon Irechatta Mon (With Added Lemon)

Ushitora Brewery
Japanese Citrus Ale

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#563 Beer Vaccine

#563 Beer Vaccine

Ushitora Brewery
American IPA

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#564 Miyashita Park IPA

#564 Miyashita Park IPA

Ushitora Brewery
American IPA

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#567 Kisetsu no Kankitsu no White (Seasonal Citrus White)

#567 Kisetsu no Kankitsu no White (Seasonal Citrus White)

Ushitora Brewery
Japanese Citrus White Ale

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