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#157 West Green IPA

#157 West Green IPA

Ushitora Brewery
American IPA

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#158 Against

#158 Against

Ushitora Brewery
American Strong Ale

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#159 Kanpai Lager

#159 Kanpai Lager

Ushitora Brewery
American Light Lager

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#160 Suppai Natsumikan

#160 Suppai Natsumikan

Ushitora Brewery
American Sour Fruit Ale

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#161 Anniversary Session IPA

#161 Anniversary Session IPA

Ushitora Brewery
American Session IPA (SIPA)

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#162 Fueki Ryuko IPA

#162 Fueki Ryuko IPA

Ushitora Brewery
American IPA

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#163 Shimotsuke Liberty Ale

#163 Shimotsuke Liberty Ale

Ushitora Brewery
American Pale Ale (APA)

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#164 Hyakka Ryoran Kame

#164 Hyakka Ryoran Kame

Ushitora Brewery
American India Pale Lager (IPL)

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#165 Hyakka Ryoran Jomen

#165 Hyakka Ryoran Jomen

Ushitora Brewery
American IPA

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#166 Hatopoppo Ale

#166 Hatopoppo Ale

Ushitora Brewery
American Pale Ale (APA)

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