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India Pale Ale

India Pale Ale

Sonoran Brewing Company
American IPA

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Inebriator Stout

Inebriator Stout

Sonoran Brewing Company
American Double / Imperial Stout

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Lee's Liquid Dinner

Sonoran Brewing Company
English Brown Ale

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Patriot Pilsner

Patriot Pilsner

Sonoran Brewing Company
German Pilsner

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Sonora Double Trouble I2PA

Sonora Double Trouble I2PA

Sonoran Brewing Company
American Double / Imperial IPA (DIPA / IIPA)

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Sonora Festivus Ale

Sonora Festivus Ale

Sonoran Brewing Company
American IPA

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Sonora Midnight Porter

Sonora Midnight Porter

Sonoran Brewing Company
American Porter

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Sonora Two Tuns Double Amber Ale

Sonora Two Tuns Double Amber Ale

Sonoran Brewing Company
American Barleywine

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Sonoran 'Punkin' Ale

Sonoran Brewing Company
Pumpkin Ale

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Sonoran 100

Sonoran 100

Sonoran Brewing Company
American Malt Liquor

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