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Citra Warrior

Citra Warrior

Railtown Brewing Company
American Double / Imperial IPA (DIPA / IIPA)

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Citrye Warrior

Citrye Warrior

Railtown Brewing Company
American Double / Imperial Rye IPA

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Coffee Season

Coffee Season

Railtown Brewing Company
Coffee Saison

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Cordial Mooed

Cordial Mooed

Railtown Brewing Company
American Fruit Chocolate Milk Stout

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Corntucky Common

Corntucky Common

Railtown Brewing Company
Kentucky Common Beer

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Dude, Where

Dude, Where's My Par?

Railtown Brewing Company
American Summer Ale

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Dutton Dunkel

Dutton Dunkel

Railtown Brewing Company

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Dutton's Finest

Railtown Brewing Company
American Adjunct Lager

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Eh! Maple Porter

Eh! Maple Porter

Railtown Brewing Company
American Imperial Oatmeal Porter

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El Lobo

El Lobo

Railtown Brewing Company
Mexican Lager

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