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Florida Saison

Florida Saison

Green Room Brewing (FL)
Saison / Farmhouse Ale

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Green Room Brewing (FL)
American IPA

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Frans Forty-Hands

Frans Forty-Hands

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American Malt Liquor

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Fruit On The Bottom (Strawberry)

Fruit On The Bottom (Strawberry)

Green Room Brewing (FL)
Fruit / Vegetable Beer

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Galactic Cinnamon Buns

Galactic Cinnamon Buns

Green Room Brewing (FL)
English Imperial Milk Stout

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Gin & Spruce

Gin & Spruce

Green Room Brewing (FL)
Herbed / Spiced Beer

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Green Room Brewing (FL)
Saison / Farmhouse Ale

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Gluten Tang

Gluten Tang

Green Room Brewing (FL)
Berliner Weissbier

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Grass Is Greener

Grass Is Greener

Green Room Brewing (FL)
American Double / Imperial IPA (DIPA / IIPA)

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Green Room Brewing (FL)
Berliner Weissbier

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