Young's Double Chocolate Stout
Brewed By: The Eagle Brewery / Wells & Young's Brewing Company (Damm S.A.)
Number of Ratings: 6020
Style: English Coffee Chocolate Stout
Brewed In: The Brewery, Haverlock Street, Bedford, MK40 4LU, England, UK
ABV: 5.20%
IBU: 32
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Number of Ratings: 6020
Style: English Coffee Chocolate Stout
Brewed In: The Brewery, Haverlock Street, Bedford, MK40 4LU, England, UK
ABV: 5.20%
IBU: 32
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Tasting Notes
Please sign in to post comments about this beer and see your Beer Buddies' comments. - March 8, 2015
Good stout.
Stout73 - February 8, 2015
Good stout flavor. Smokey that finishes with a slight chocolate aftertaste. Good tan thick head with great lacing on the glass. One of my favorite winter beers.
janomac - February 2, 2015
Pours black with a tan, densely foamy head. Lacing fades quickly. Medium mouthfeel; not as heavy as I would expect from such a dark stout. Chocolate and spice prevail in the flavors. Coffee and saltiness emerge in the finish and lingers. Not as sweet as many other chocolate stouts--and not as smooth.
jay.load - January 23, 2015
Kinda boring. No quality finish as other stouts. Kind of bland.
nolenurse00 - January 14, 2015
Not bad, but probably wouldn't get again - January 12, 2015
Simple flavor profile but very good. Excellent mouth feel. Sweet without being syrupy.
trgraves - December 22, 2014
Thinner mouth feel than what you would expect. Rich in flavor! Lasting chocolate notes.
Spiller - November 24, 2014
Rich bold awesome flavor
railroadbill351 - November 18, 2014
The yardstick by which all chocolate beers should be measured. Excellent dessert beer.
vegasmike - November 15, 2014
Chocolate coffee taste