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Brewed By: The Eagle Brewery / Wells & Young's Brewing Company (Damm S.A.)

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 6020

Style: English Coffee Chocolate Stout

Brewed In: The Brewery, Haverlock Street, Bedford, MK40 4LU, England, UK

ABV: 5.20%

IBU: 32

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Image contributed by: CHills

Tasting Notes

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refresh profile picturerefresh - February 5, 2012
Use to make ice cream float!!
jaykaz profile picturejaykaz - February 4, 2012
Very nice
edarosa profile pictureedarosa - February 3, 2012
ncarrera profile picturencarrera - January 31, 2012
Great chocolate flavor. A step above most chocolate stouts. Nice and thick. Full flavor whole way through
cclonch profile picturecclonch - January 31, 2012
Poured from a nitro can with a dark brown body and thick, creamy head. Nose was light and airy chocolate with a hint of nutty grain. Flavor was almost the same. Nitro definitely made this creamier but the body was still pretty thin. Overall I was hoping for more chocolate notes. My tastes are probably ruined by Bell's Special Double Cream Stout and Founder's Double Chocolate Oatmeal Stout.
John Crawford  profile pictureJohn Crawford - January 31, 2012
The long running king of chocolate stouts. Simple cocoa and coffee favors and a creaminess that luckily does not lack carbonation. As someone else stated, the bottle and can versions differ in that the can loses the bite and delivers a creamier, guinness-like finish.
stones2125 profile picturestones2125 - January 29, 2012
Chocolate on the front end, coffee on the back
ucanefan profile pictureucanefan - January 29, 2012
Freaking terrible
phishfan73 profile picturephishfan73 - January 28, 2012
Half banana bread and half chocolate stout is a win!
JTurk profile pictureJTurk - January 16, 2012
Very Heavy, Strong Chocolate Flavor, Not A Good Drinking Beer
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