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Brewed By: Rock Art Brewery

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 103

Style: American Barleywine

Brewed In: 632 Laporte Rd, Morrisville, VT 05661-8322, USA

ABV: 10%

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Image contributed by: katmorrill

Tasting Notes

Please sign in to post comments about this beer and see your Beer Buddies' comments. profile - August 25, 2015
Very good.
dlitolff profile picturedlitolff - July 11, 2015
Big malty bomb with powerful hops even after a year. Bottle, July 2015.
Waz Brew Review profile pictureWaz Brew Review - January 1, 2015
Just ok. Wired aftertaste
likearedsky profile picturelikearedsky - January 25, 2014
A nice color and warm aroma are immediately washed away by overwhelming alcohol flavor. If I want to do shots, I'll stick to vodka.
bugs318 profile picturebugs318 - June 18, 2012
meets the nose with piney/floral hops. It pours a nice brown with excellent off-white frothy head and noteworthy retention. There is some malty fruit up front, with very faint notes of raisins, plums, and caramel, but it is wiped out promptly by a very drying floral estery finish with a lingering aftertaste. As typical of the style, it is fairly full bodied with negligible carbonation, such that it would likely show well on cask. It was decent, but there wasn't enough barley for me... as the hops shut it down and I would have liked a few more malty aromas and or tastes. Though I understand that hop heads love it - as one would expect. Grade: B+ 2-year aged one with a greater hop tolerance I liked much more and the hops presence remained!
Borderking profile pictureBorderking - April 4, 2012
I prefer English Barleywines, but as American Barleywines go, this one's among the very best. The perfect balance of hops and sweet malt...chewy, luscious, and smooth. Very drinkable.