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Brewed By: Boston Beer Company (Samuel Adams)

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 48

Style: American Strong Ale

Brewed In: 30 Germania St, Boston, MA 02130, USA

ABV: 29%

IBU: 25

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Image contributed by: crbn_fbr

Tasting Notes

Please sign in to post comments about this beer and see your Beer Buddies' comments. profile - June 7, 2014
Goes down smooth considering high alcohol content. Chocolate and raisin taste.
udelaz profile pictureudelaz - August 28, 2013
Definitely different. Less refined than scotch, more brandy like. Smells of chocolate and orange. Chocolate hits first, followed by alcohol. Worth the experience.
rquinn53 profile picturerquinn53 - July 26, 2013
Oh wow. After hearing so much about this I was a bit nervous - a few had called it hard to drink, overbearing, and a true challenge. While the alcohol is a lot to handle (it feels like a good scotch on the way down!), this is an immensely complex and delicious strong ale. Butterscotch toffee, raisins, dark chocolate, a little vanilla and cherry hints, nuts.....every element that was ever stood out to you in one strong ale or another somehow ALL finds its way to the main stage in this amazing beer. It is definitely meant to be drank around room temperature, those dark chocolate notes really shine. For the huge amount of alcohol in this, it goes down remarkably well. Plus, you can reseal it, and save it for a few ounces on nice occasions. 100% absolutely worth the investment!
Mak profile pictureMak - July 7, 2013
Nice, though not a beer, as such. Much more a cordial or liqueur. Raisin-y flavors with some bitterness.
crbn_fbr profile picturecrbn_fbr - January 6, 2013
Smells strong of alcohol, bourbon, maple syrup. Hardly any alcohol burn despite the smell, goes down pretty smooth. Aftertaste of maple syrup is the highlight.