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Brewed By: Eel River Brewing Co.

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 62

Style: English Old Ale

Brewed In: 1777 Alamar Way, Fortuna, CA 95540, USA

ABV: 9.70%

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Image contributed by: PheelThis

Tasting Notes

Please sign in to post comments about this beer and see your Beer Buddies' comments. profile - February 9, 2016
One of my new favorite beers. Read the back of the bottle they are a 100% right. I did not chill this bear very hard served it at slightly below 60° and is absolutely awesome. profile - May 23, 2015
B+ to A-. Complex malt and aged flavors make this a good sipper. My bottle was a year old. Had a 4 year old bottle and the sherry aged flavors battled the more subtle flavors. Liked the year old better.
Vikingyr profile pictureVikingyr - August 21, 2014
Smells like caramel and raisins, tastes like a Belgian quad mixed with a light IPA. Delicious
littleboots profile picturelittleboots - May 21, 2014
Carmel, dull toffee, and some coffee grounds coupled with bright flavors of raisin. Didn't age, but I can sense flavors that are now muddled but want to come into their own. Dull red amber in color, little head with no retention. Delightful brew.
edarosa profile pictureedarosa - December 27, 2013
eod013 profile pictureeod013 - January 27, 2013
Pretty good taste, a definite recommend
pcguitarwzrd profile picturepcguitarwzrd - July 8, 2012
OMG!!! Don't know what I was expecting, but this is an amazing beer! Big full caramel malt sweetness, some toffee, hoppy finish and a hint of booze. Everything exactly as it should be, at least in my book.
ghostrdr profile pictureghostrdr - May 26, 2012
Dark brown color, sweet flavors, almost too sweet but has some bitters to cut it.