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Brewed By: Industrial Cervecera S.A. / Compañía Cervecera De Nicaragua

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 156

Style: American Adjunct Lager

Brewed In: Kilomero 7 North Highway, 500 Mts.N., Managua, Nicaragua

ABV: 4.60%

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Image contributed by: Schil

Tasting Notes

Please sign in to post comments about this beer and see your Beer Buddies' comments. profile - December 24, 2016
Pretty cheap beer profile - September 9, 2016
laurahallie profile picturelaurahallie - July 31, 2016
Not bad for a light beer. Had in NYC sept 2016
csemels profile picturecsemels - July 28, 2016
Nicaraguan equivalent of Miller Lite
bobbyhickory profile picturebobbyhickory - December 22, 2014
light color, corny malty scent, very light flavor, not much bitterness or any kind of after taste. Very clean finish.
FlyJo515 profile pictureFlyJo515 - July 19, 2014
Tastes better in Nicaragua.
FlyinHawaiian profile pictureFlyinHawaiian - June 11, 2014
Awful. Worse than American macros. Not much else to say. profile - July 22, 2013
Slight mint taste
dykenelson profile picturedykenelson - November 22, 2012
Taste like ass towel
clint profile pictureclint - September 28, 2012
At inner harbor tapas place
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