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Brewed By: Charleville Vineyards And Microbrewery

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 43

Style: Amber Bock

Brewed In: 16937 Boyd Rd, Sainte Genevieve, MO 63670-7914, USA

ABV: 5.0%

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Image contributed by: Grendel

Tasting Notes

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cahl85 profile picturecahl85 - October 25, 2015
Not bad. Would rather have had the schlafly IPA on tap.
Cellar Dweller profile pictureCellar Dweller - July 21, 2014
Pours a beautiful copper color with a buttery head that lasted the duration of the beer. Smells of wet leaves and slightly of applesauce. Tastes of fruit juice are mild, not overpowering. Finishes with a bit of an acidic aftertaste.
wolfiemusic profile picturewolfiemusic - April 29, 2014
Tolerable but not favorite
planemech profile pictureplanemech - August 13, 2013
Not a great but still good. Good flavors.