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Brewed By: Karuizawa Beer (Ya-Ho Brewing Company)

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 51

Style: American Porter

Brewed In: 2148 Nagagura, Kitasaga, Karuizawa, Nagano, 389-0111, Japan

ABV: 5.0%

IBU: 30

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Image contributed by: CHills

Tasting Notes

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laurahallie profile picturelaurahallie - January 29, 2017
Nice dry Porter with coffee and vanilla
tjwhitta profile picturetjwhitta - September 27, 2012
Creamy and malty
sandan_mark profile picturesandan_mark - September 6, 2012
Very decent dark. Light and smooth for a dark.
sandan_mark profile picturesandan_mark - September 6, 2012
Very decent dark. Light and smooth for a dark.
sandan_mark profile picturesandan_mark - September 6, 2012
Very decent dark. Light and smooth for a dark.