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Brewed By: Telluride Brewing Company

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 67

Style: American IPA

Brewed In: 156 Society Dr, Telluride, CO 81435-8903, USA

ABV: 6.4%

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Image contributed by: jesseblunt

Tasting Notes

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y22spox profile picturey22spox - June 26, 2016
Great bear to have with friends from BTC bike trip
beer bicyclist profile picturebeer bicyclist - July 9, 2015
Great out of a can. So much fresher!
rbw0319 profile picturerbw0319 - August 22, 2014
Good hoppy flavor, one of a few I have given 4.5
rbw0319 profile picturerbw0319 - August 22, 2014
Nice hoppy flavor, one of a few I have given 4.5
TMad profile pictureTMad - February 26, 2014
4.0 - solid IPA. Red color IPA.