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Brewed By: Cuauhtémoc Moctezuma (Heineken México)

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 5941

Style: Mexican Lager

Brewed In: Alfonso Reyes 2202 Nte., Monterrey (Nuevo León), 64442, Mexico

ABV: 4.50%

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Image contributed by: CHills

Tasting Notes

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FlyinHawaiian profile pictureFlyinHawaiian - March 15, 2013
The cheapest Mexican beer out there that I am aware of. But with a lime and some salt it's worth the price on a hot summer day. Boring, and bland but drinkable. profile - March 5, 2013
Slightly sweet profile - March 4, 2013
Smooth, lighter beer,
tcvlex profile picturetcvlex - February 15, 2013
I know this one is popular but I just can't really get on board. There are darker, lighter, thicker, more citrusy, etc beers. Tecate just falls somewhere in the forgettable middle for me.
specksofdust profile picturespecksofdust - February 14, 2013
I enjoy this beer. Nothing about it overwhelms and it's perfect for dropping shots into for Flaming Dr. Peppers. If already drunk in TJ, this is the clear choice. Malty isn't my fave, but somehow works here. One of the better Mexican beers. Have only had can form.
gklayman profile picturegklayman - February 9, 2013
Good Texas beer
ryerarero profile pictureryerarero - January 20, 2013
Enjoyed best at The Sandbar in Lawrence,KS.
wesleygant profile picturewesleygant - January 1, 2013
Taste similar to dos Equis
ericb622 profile pictureericb622 - December 25, 2012
Better than Corona and cheaper than Dos Equiss. Good boating and fishing beer, eapecially in south FL where it sells for less than $10 / 12 pack
ChuckJOHNSON profile pictureChuckJOHNSON - November 19, 2012
Great value and very light. Pretty drinkable due to the little taste. Super see thru yellow color. For tailgating or drinking a lot I would buy this lager again. At least it isn't your average bud or coors.
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