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Brewed By: Everybody's Brewing

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 3

Style: Saison / Farmhouse Ale

Brewed In: 151 E Jewett Blvd, White Salmon, WA 98672, USA

ABV: 4.8%

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Image contributed by: ghostrdr

Tasting Notes

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ghostrdr profile pictureghostrdr - July 4, 2012
Nose smell is off, slightly skunky. Flavor is nice, almost like a pils.
biosonik profile picturebiosonik - September 3, 2011
I feel it's a very quaffable alternative to a Saison. Or overly herbed wit. I would add a little more malt character either with crystal 40 or darker, just a pinch to keep it within style guidelines. Also I'd pull back on the white wheat.