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Brewed By: Victory Brewing Company

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 1880

Style: American Blonde Ale

Brewed In: 420 Acorn Lane, Downingtown, PA 19335, USA

ABV: 5.2%

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Summer Love Ale

Image contributed by: ChrisM361

Tasting Notes

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arusso13 profile picturearusso13 - May 27, 2013
Hoppy but not overwhelming. Notes of grapefruit and other citrus. Very refreshing.
spacegoat profile picturespacegoat - May 26, 2013
Love this stuff, hoppy but not an IPA hoppy, just enough. Has a very refreshing finish, and Its not as light as most summer ales. Had some at the end of last summer and have been waiting a year to get my hands on a case since then.
sam.s profile picturesam.s - May 19, 2013
Refreshing with light hoppiness
KimZ profile pictureKimZ - May 12, 2013
Happier than expected with refreshing citrus. Perfect summer beer for people who love hops.
beerSnobslob profile picturebeerSnobslob - May 11, 2013
My favorite summer beer hands down. Perfect balance between bitter hoppyness and citrus notes
stadejus profile picturestadejus - May 9, 2013
Little hoppy
bdub30 profile picturebdub30 - February 11, 2013
Pours good with 1-2 finger head, although it dissipates pretty quick. Floral and grapefruit on the nose. The hops make you question the style as more of a pale or light IPA. Good balance. Very refreshing. Could be a summer staple for my house.
bears1985 profile picturebears1985 - February 10, 2013
Good but bitter
BoodyBrew profile pictureBoodyBrew - January 26, 2013
Crisp taste with hoppy flavor. Something will keep you coming back.
Borderking profile pictureBorderking - August 23, 2012
Just perfect! Refreshing, lemony hops, clean German malt backbone...just the perfect quaffable brew for the summer, with a piquant hop kick at the end!
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