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Brewed By: Guinness Ltd. (Eire)

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 8797

Style: Irish Red Ale

Brewed In: St. James Gate, Dublin, Eire

ABV: 4.50%

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Image contributed by: AngusMcCloud

Tasting Notes

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fredrogers profile picturefredrogers - May 18, 2013
Not bad.
sdedola profile picturesdedola - April 8, 2013
One of my favorites!
eam5171 profile pictureeam5171 - April 6, 2013
Smooth ale, nothing special. Session beer profile - March 21, 2013
Not bad for a Guinness
Preese081 profile picturePreese081 - March 18, 2013
Very smooth and extremely refreshing when cold . Would recommend after a hard day of work and in need if something to hit the spot ..
FlyinHawaiian profile pictureFlyinHawaiian - March 15, 2013
Maybe it's just me but all Irish beer tastes light, watery and creamy. A little bland for what it is.
Staltz profile pictureStaltz - February 22, 2013
good ale. Smooth glamour. Light flavor full body. All round good and smooth.
eagle_gwaihir profile pictureeagle_gwaihir - February 3, 2013
The crop/barely taste lingers too long. Do not get it with a pale ale prior! Haha
T23Jones profile pictureT23Jones - February 3, 2013
Decent taste, just not enough there for me. Not a bad beer though profile - January 30, 2013
Full body, rich caramel color, crisp bite, mellow aftertaste
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