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Brewed By: Sierra Nevada Brewing Co.

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 2893

Style: American Brown Ale

Brewed In: 1075 E 20th St, Chico, CA 95928, USA

ABV: 5.5%

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Image contributed by: lasvegasrealtor

Tasting Notes

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tdlewellyn profile picturetdlewellyn - September 24, 2011
A: Thick Brown, medium bubbly head, virtually no lacing A:
Chef profile pictureChef - September 21, 2011
Nice thick brown head that hung around for awhile like a glass of Dad’s Root Beer. The Color is Dark brown and had a light heavy taste for brown ales. It had a hint of nutmeg. Over all very refreshing. I like this stuff.
taoseno profile picturetaoseno - September 3, 2011
Pretty decent brown ale
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