Torpedo Extra IPA
Brewed By: Sierra Nevada Brewing Co.
Number of Ratings: 9875
Style: American Extra IPA
Brewed In: 1075 E 20th St, Chico, CA 95928, USA
ABV: 7.20%
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You must be signed in to rate beers or receive recommendations.Average Rating:
Number of Ratings: 9875
Style: American Extra IPA
Brewed In: 1075 E 20th St, Chico, CA 95928, USA
ABV: 7.20%
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Tasting Notes
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jpgamradt - September 28, 2014
Personal Note: Yep, f'n good! This is a top 5 IPA for me. Hard to drink a lot of these in a row, good thing they only sell them in a 4 pack... POUNDERS! Bitter side of the IPAs, but dang good.
First Taste: Ike's Restaurant in Minneapolis
Cost: ?; Pint, $8.99 4 Pack 16 oz'ers
beer2day - September 26, 2014
Extra IPA - nice bouquet; bitter; good hop/malt balance
FL_Cracker - September 21, 2014
Not bad but I would prefer the original pale ale. Hoppy but can taste more of the malt in this one than the pale ale. Love the ABV though - September 14, 2014
Good IPA overall.
yaremkom - September 10, 2014
frontcup - September 5, 2014
Giant flourtown, good taste, kinda heavy, top ridge sampler also
Dutch_Mantooth - August 29, 2014
Hoppy awesome
brewndruid - August 29, 2014
Not a huge I P a fan, but have always trusted Sierra Nevada, and they never disappoint.
svenllr - August 25, 2014
I've never been a ganoid Sierra Nevada but when Tom brought a few over to share and I saw that it was an "extreme" IPA, I figured I'd give it a shot. I was pleasantly surprised by the very refreshing and slightly hoppy beer. I enjoyed it so much that I had a couple more. :)
vbugara - August 2, 2014
Great brew. Love the dry hoppy taste with some light notes