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Brewed By: Boston Beer Company (Samuel Adams)

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 168

Style: American Amber / Red Ale

Brewed In: 30 Germania St, Boston, MA 02130, USA

ABV: 6.4%

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Maple Ale

Image contributed by: blakeschrepfer

Tasting Notes

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striketm profile picturestriketm - October 16, 2016
Up front it is a smooth ale with a hint of its namesake maple. What prevented this from becoming a beer that you look for again is the mouth rot aftertaste. Maybe more than a normal ale, but one of the reasons I don't drink ales a lot profile - October 10, 2016
Medium maple. Easy to drink. Just ok
LakeShow316 profile pictureLakeShow316 - October 4, 2016
Good, nothing special but I'm really glad it's not as sweet as I thought it would be. Decent brew to have as the weather is starting to get a little chilly.
SaigeMan profile pictureSaigeMan - October 2, 2016
Ok maple beer. Flavor not as strong
mikesull profile picturemikesull - October 2, 2016
Malt to start maple to finish
sliggy04 profile picturesliggy04 - September 18, 2016
Maple flavor first two sips then kind of gone, very easy beer
cbonilla1122 profile picturecbonilla1122 - September 16, 2016
Malty and tangy to start, has faint vanilla notes. Has a nice kick on the finish (6.4 abv)
BigDaddy V profile pictureBigDaddy V - September 4, 2016
Easy drinking high alcohol. The vanilla and caramel are more pronounced at warmer drinking temperature.
oKC profile pictureoKC - August 28, 2016
Great maple flavor. Terrific beer to put you in a fall mood. Smooth malty flavor, no hop bitterness. Bottle from Sam Multipack.
Cellar Dweller profile pictureCellar Dweller - August 22, 2016
Faint maple and caramel flavors, but actually not bad considering its from Sam Adams.
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