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Brewed By: Boston Beer Company (Samuel Adams)

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 2887

Style: American Porter

Brewed In: 30 Germania St, Boston, MA 02130, USA

ABV: 5.90%

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Holiday Porter

Image contributed by: AngusMcCloud

Tasting Notes

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jaywill1323 profile picturejaywill1323 - February 4, 2013
Dark brown in color with a white frothy head that quickly dissipated leaving a bit of lacing down the glass. Has a chip lately roasted aroma. Easy drinking with a silky mouthfeel starts out with a chocolatey caramel malty forward followed by a molasses cinnamon spice flavor and a bitter chocolate finish. Some slight earthy hoppiness too. Interesting easy drinking porter with a molasses spice taste. Just ok but decent
tgeiger05 profile picturetgeiger05 - January 24, 2013
It has a funny smell. However it tastes great! Wonderful flavor with smokey malt chocolate coffee flavors.
anthonygettig profile pictureanthonygettig - January 19, 2013
More fizzy than I like in a porter. Not as much malt and chocolate either. It's ok though.
BIGTIME profile pictureBIGTIME - January 6, 2013
Yup, it's a porter.
mthompson002 profile picturemthompson002 - January 4, 2013
Flavorful, dark and porter tasting. Great for a cold winter night.
Gater314 profile pictureGater314 - January 4, 2013
Slightly too bitter for me.
hughster profile picturehughster - December 30, 2012
Most disappointing of Sam's holiday pack. Lacks taste with a bit if hop to barely save it.
kell5232 profile picturekell5232 - December 28, 2012
Not too bad, very hoppy but not overwhelmingly so. Still get a decent mild smooth rate to it. Not my favorite but not something I scoff at either.
BCR3 profile pictureBCR3 - December 24, 2012
Good porter with medium flavor. Rough end.
TheHighLife profile pictureTheHighLife - December 24, 2012
Strong porter taste. Sort off an odd sweet finish. Had better Porters, but this will get it done. Xmas eve 2012.
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