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Brewed By: Iechyd Da

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 24

Style: American IPA

Brewed In: 317 N Main St, Elkhart, IN 46516-3034, USA

ABV: 7%

IBU: 72

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Revolution American IPA

Image contributed by: E&R2011

Tasting Notes

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jimdem57 profile picturejimdem57 - July 20, 2016
Hotel restaurant in Chicago. Local brewery. Very hoppy.
jmile profile picturejmile - July 7, 2015
Complex flavors overt sweetness.
sam.s profile picturesam.s - March 7, 2014
Great taste for a canned beer. Both aroma and flavor.
Friar Duke profile pictureFriar Duke - November 11, 2013
Not quite as smooth as Two Hearted IPA, lighter than Sierra Nevada.