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Brewed By: Carton Brewing Company

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 44

Style: American Cream Ale

Brewed In: 6 East Washington Ave, Atlantic Highlands, NJ 07716, USA

ABV: 12%

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Regular Coffee

Image contributed by: jaywill1323

Tasting Notes

Please sign in to post comments about this beer and see your Beer Buddies' comments. profile - January 22, 2017
Cool concept. Really really sweet, full bodied cream ale with a fantastic coffee flavor, tastes creamy. I wish I could have tried the 2 variations they made this winter... Buy again! 1/21/17 Growler from brewery 4 stars profile - July 1, 2016
Best cream ale / coffee tastin' brew I've ever set lips on, only 'caus of the hidden 12% ABV. It's totally nonexistent. And you would think it would be a darker beer 'cause of the coffee, it looks like a regular ale. So the smell / flavor of coffee & the light color of this brew plays with ur mind. A 5-Star beer no doubt. (Enjoyed on tap)
Fireballlk profile pictureFireballlk - February 27, 2016
Sweet, whiskey-like, taste like its name , medium golden color profile - February 20, 2016
2/20/16 profile - February 20, 2016
jaywill1323 profile picturejaywill1323 - February 6, 2014
Straw to amber in color with no head and roasted medium coffee aromas, like a blonde roast. An interesting beer for sure tastes just like Dunkin Donuts coffee with cream and sugar. Way too sweet for my taste but what a different take on a coffee beer. Definitely gets the cream to show through. Still not sold on carton they make some odd beers profile - January 29, 2014
Just like the name. Definitely get the cream/milk that you put in coffee.