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Brewed By: Dogfish Head Brewery (Boston Beer Company)

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 928

Style: Witbier

Brewed In: 6 Village Center Blvd, Milton, DE 19968, USA

ABV: 10%

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Red & White

Image contributed by: petedog388

Tasting Notes

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svenllr profile picturesvenllr - August 30, 2014
This beer totally reminds me of a mild Belgian Ale not being to overpowering. A nice tang of orange from the peals makes for a pleasant beer. I do want something with more hops right now though. :)
NieceyB profile pictureNieceyB - August 13, 2014
White with fruity, spice, and wine notes. A little on the sweet side. profile - August 3, 2014
Love love love
Rush2112 profile pictureRush2112 - July 6, 2014
ok orange taste profile - May 17, 2014
Almost a hefe texture with wine hint
brewbaker profile picturebrewbaker - May 17, 2014
Wow! This is a top notch beer!
aaf145 profile pictureaaf145 - May 1, 2014
Had this about a month ago.. Kicks ass.. Aged in wine barrels with citrus, spices, and Belgian yeast.. Almost like a heavy citrus wine than a beer.. Really fruity but in a good way..another masterpiece from dogfish profile - August 25, 2013
ishkybob profile pictureishkybob - August 19, 2013
Heavy and intoxicating, yet velvety.
DaveyBoySwagg profile pictureDaveyBoySwagg - August 12, 2013
Pours red-orange from the bottle with a strong head that eventually fades. Smell: some Belgian yeast, orange citrus, and a strange spicyness. There's also a very strange smell in this that is throwing me off. Taste: bready malt forward with a definite citrus note. Not as much spicyness as a traditional witbier. Overall: this is a highly rated beer that I can't get on board with. The finish seems ever so slightly alcohol-solventy, and has this off-smell that honest to Goodness reminds me of used socks. That being said, sorry folks but this one is 2 stars at best. Bummer.
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