Red Horizon
Brewed By: Nøgne Ø - Det Kompromissløse Bryggeri A/S (Nogne)
Number of Ratings: 4
Style: American Strong Ale
Brewed In: Gamle Rygene Kraftstasjon, Lunde, Grimstad, 4885, Norway
ABV: 17.0%
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Number of Ratings: 4
Style: American Strong Ale
Brewed In: Gamle Rygene Kraftstasjon, Lunde, Grimstad, 4885, Norway
ABV: 17.0%
People Who Liked This Beer Also Liked:We don't have enough ratings to say what beers are similar.
Tasting Notes
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bears1985 - April 15, 2015
Wholly crap can you smell the alcohol! Murky brown in color, no head. Wow this is ass kicking is it good only if you want to get messed up. Fruity yes taste like sake not for me but one 11.2 oz bottle and you are flying high