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Brewed By: Mammoth Brewing Company

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 30

Style: Altbier

Brewed In: 18 Lake Mary Rd, Mammoth Lakes, CA 93546, USA

ABV: 4.50%

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Real McCoy Amber Ale

Image contributed by: gswan

Tasting Notes

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eagle_gwaihir profile pictureeagle_gwaihir - July 28, 2012
Barley notes... Pretty smooth and light.
kevosbob profile picturekevosbob - December 4, 2011
My thoughts on this beer are pretty simple: Real McCoy is a very good amber ale. If you are in the mood for a light tasting but satisfying ale I suggest giving this beer a try. Real McCoy won’t blow you away but it will have its place as a good beer. Ultimately, I would like a little more hops flavor, but really there is nothing bad I can say about this beer.