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Brewed By: Ballast Point Brewing Company (Kings & Convicts Brewing Co.)

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 233

Style: Scottish Spiced Pumpkin Ale

Brewed In: 9045 Carroll Way, San Diego, CA 92121, USA

ABV: 5.8%

IBU: 25

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Pumpkin Down

Image contributed by: CHills

Tasting Notes

Please sign in to post comments about this beer and see your Beer Buddies' comments. profile - September 13, 2015
Great pumpkin brew with an edge profile - September 13, 2015
Nice pumpkin brew with an edge. Perfect for the fall
aaf145 profile pictureaaf145 - September 12, 2015
Damn .. Huge malty and pumpkin flavor.. Delicious... One of my new favorite ballast point brews... Pumpkin is the predominant flavor but starts with a malty combo and finishes with that dry and crisp taste from the Scottish yeast.. Easy 4 star, however if it had a bigger abv would definitely be a 5 star rating.
Mike_emG profile pictureMike_emG - September 11, 2015
Delicious! Flavorful yet not too heavy. Easy to drink. Wasn't a 5star cuz of the lower alcohol content
RedRum profile pictureRedRum - September 7, 2015
Scottish ale with a deep copper color. Nice pumpkin aroma and fresh pumpkin taste. Great for cool autumn nights.
Butterbeer13 profile pictureButterbeer13 - September 7, 2015
Poured from a bottle into a glass. Dark copper color. Malty taste with slight pumpkin flavor and spices.
jaywill1323 profile picturejaywill1323 - September 4, 2015
Pours dark brown in color with a thin ribbon of off white head, hovers on the beer and leaves lacing all down the glass. Has a nice pleasant but not overpowering aromas of pumpkin spice. Cinnamon clove nutmeg and subtle hints of caramel. Medium bodied very smooth and creamy. Very interesting mix between the malty scotchy flavors of a Scottish ale complemented by pumpkin pie spices. Very enjoyable and drinkable, spiced, malty and caramel/toffee sweet flavors all intermingle. A really solid pumpkin ale!
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